Monday, August 13, 2012

Let's try this again shall we?

Well, I used to be an avid blogger.  Oh, I loved to blog and read everyone else's blogs.  Then my toddlers became preschoolers.  Preschoolers with "issues." My life changed.  I also discovered part of my sleeping troubles were related to being on the computer after about 9:00pm as well.  Hmm...what's a gal to do?  So I gave up on blogging for a while (like over 2 years!).  So now I am trying to get back into the swing of things and get my groove back. So hang int here with me!

Tomorrow night we have our Kindergarten orientation and I am nervous and excited and a bundle of nerves all wrapped into one. I know it will all go fine but I really wish it wasn't scheduled for 6:00pm.  And then the next morning I finally have my meeting with the school to get the much awaited results from Twin B's evaluation.  A VERY long story that I will fill you in on later...right now it's time for me to get of this thing and get some sleep.  Nighty night blogger happy to be back!