Friday, March 22, 2013

Yet again...

Yes, once again I am going to venture back into the blogging world. Really, this has been something I have missed and yet I knew was time consuming in my life. I would spend hours reading other people's blogs and also writing on mine. But I was documenting my kiddos life so I was okay with it. But as they grew it became more and more difficult to blog. No more naps and all...

And then came the matter of sleep. I realized the value of getting rest and that my body could no longer function on the crazy sleep schedule I kept. When we lived in Indy, I was on Lunesta for an entire year! They just couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep through the night. When we moved from Indy to NC I took the baby monitor out of our bedroom since the boys' rooms were so much closer to ours and I could hear if they woke. That and they had started coming in our room if they woke anyway. Well, an amazing thing happened...I started sleeping through the night! I attribute it to two things really. First, no baby monitor in my ear. Even turned as low as it could go I guess it still affected my ability to sleep well. And second, I was no longer on the computer at night for hours on end. I came to learn later that I can't be on the computer past about 8:00 pm or I have trouble sleeping that night. What an amazing revelation! One I am thankful to have found, but one that has forced me to give up blogging and my digital scrapping. Two things I love dearly. But I am determined now to find a balance.  I know there is one out there. And posting on a blog keeps me accountable, and that my friends, is something I truly need right now in my life.

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